Protection Makes such a huge difference.

Everyone's beekeeping journey is different. I know mine started with a cotton Beekeeping Jacket that I got from Beechworth Honey (when they used to sell gear) and jeans. Well I can tell you right here and now those little darlings eat denom for breakfast! The biggest difference was in my daughter. Getting her out on a hot summers day in a cotton suit was a bit of a struggle. Now she has upgraded to a 3 layer mesh suit it has made a huge difference to her comfort level. I have to admit even though I sell cotton beekeeping suits and they are still popular I will never go back. 

The three layer mesh Beekeeping suits are definitely a game changer in the heat. I'm really not sure how I put up with cotton for such a long time.

I even remember one goose having a go at me for advertising cotton suits. Now that is passionate. But as we all know there are so many keyboard warriors out there they just need something to better to do with their time. 

I could easily go on and on about how wonderful our beekeeping suits are and to tell the truth, they are pretty bloody good. 

The suits I currently have are surplus and from a beekeeping business that closed down. Moving forward I will keep the suit style but change the branding to Bee Suits Australia.  

It will mainly be an ecommerce store to keep the prices down. No they are not the cheapest suit that you can find. But they are by far the cheapest of the same quality standard we have in Australia.