Do you need a Beekeeping suit to catch a swam.

Really you don't need a Beekeeping suit to catch a swam. You don't need a beekeeping suit to keep bees!!! But WHY would you! Unless you are some way attracted to pain a beekeeping suit is always advisable.

I was told by many an old beekeeper that when Bees Swarm they are to busy thinking about their new home and not really worried about you. I see beekeepers on youtube in a singlet catching swarms or playing with bees in some way. 

Well in my experience , yes I keep bees and catch swarms some of them can get very very upset and aggravated. 

I was only watching the Bushman bee guy the other day and he also advises to where a Beekeeping suit when catching swarms. At the end of the day you really don't know how they are going to react. Why take the chance of getting multiple stings. 

During spring an early summer I always have a suit and a box in my car. So if I get a call or come across a swam its easy to pop them in and drive them home. 

2022 has bee a little insane for swarming in my Area and with the Varroa issues you need to make sure you do an alcohol wash before you take them home to your bee yard. 

If you are in the RED Zone let the authorities know about it. 

Do I need a Beekeeping suit to catch a swarm ?    YES you do...