Do I need to change my suit if I am working with Varroa

Varroa Mite on Beekeeping suit


Bio Security is an enormous part of beekeeping and farming in general. We have all witnessed what has recently happened on the East coast of Australia. I'm writing this in December 2022 so we are still hoping that the authorities will be able to eliminate the threat. I have witnessed the heartbreak that beekeepers have been through. Some loosing just a few hives and some losing their Beekeeping livelihoods because of the Varroa. Never the lees both situations and just crap. 

I suppose we have been lucky to get this far without it taking hold in Australia. We definitely have our strict border security to thank for that. 

As far as your Beekeeping suit and Varroa is concerned. If you are in the current Red Zone you should not be beekeeping anyway. But if the Varroa does take hold and the authorities can not eliminate it, we will have to start taking precautions. 

There are lots of ways Varroa mite can be spread to other bee populations and Apiaries. Drifting worker bees, hive robbing, swarming or absconding bees and of course the Beekeeper. Beekeepers often swap frames to boost a colony or split hives.

If an infected bee jumps a ride on your suit and ends up in another hive you will have a problem. We all know how bees can get into creases of your suit. Especially if you like me and like you beekeeping suit to be a little baggy. 

If you are hopping between Apiaries you need to check your suit thoroughly or if you are in an area that has potential infections it is advised to have a spare suit to change into. When you are home pop them in the washing machine to be on the safe side. Currently Authorities are using a throw away type of suit that needs to be changed  between Apiaries. (Even if they are on the same property) 

Because of the nomad style of farming beekeeping is it is also extremely important when moving hives to be careful not to put them near other hives. If either Beekeeper has an issue you will find suddenly both of you will. 

Beekeeping suits are vital part of beekeeping. We all seek hygienic traits in our bees. Let's make sure the Beekeeper uses these same traits to help stop the spread of Varroa Mite throughout Australia.